
Buda Castle Highlights - World-famous sights of Buda Castle Palace district and the civilian town

Buda Castle Highlights - World-famous sights of Buda Castle Palace district and the civilian town

Choose the official Buda Castle Walks team and join us for a sightseeing tour in the Castle District with breathtaking panoramic views of Budapest! This tour is for those who wish to see the TOP attractions of the Castle District.  Læs mere

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Last event date: Mandag, 02. Oktober 2023 14:00

Take a walk with us through time and space to discover the turbulent centuries of Buda Castle’s almost 800-year history. As we walk from the Royal Palace to the Fisherman’s Bastion, we will visit such highlights as the Matthias Fountain, Lion’s Court, St George’s Square and the Holy Trinity Square, but also hidden gems like medieval merchants’ houses and narrow allies. Join our walk to hear the inside stories of kings and settlers.

DEPARTURE: Palota Info Palace  1014 Budapest, Buda Castle, Hunyadi court
ARRIVAL: Holy Trinity Square, 1014 Budapest, Fisherman’s Bastion
DURATION: 60 minutes

More details

• recommended for ages 12 and above

• this is an outdoor program, does not include the interior spaces of Buda Castle

• the program starts at the specified time, we are unable to wait for late arrivals

• the walk is carried out regardless of weather conditions (for example in case of rain)

• we walk through cobbled roads, stairs and narrow corridors, the walk is not accessible for persons with disabilities

• suitable shoes are recommended


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