


Giuseppe Verdi
Opera in two parts, four acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

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Last event date: Sunday, November 10 2024 6:30PM

After retiring at age 58, Verdi would write no new operas for the next 15 years. It took a pivotal supper in Milan and the persistence of music publisher Giulio Ricordi to entice the Maestro to set about composing a new work, which he would only refer to as the “chocolate project”.
The Moor Otello is a soldier, a general and a loving husband who, despite all of his accomplishments, is not accepted by the people of Venice: he remains the eternal 'black' foreigner. The vulnerability of the stranger seeking to fit into society is something that is easy for false friends to exploit – as is his jealousy.

Otello is a masterpiece, an exceptional work of creative genius in which the composer sets Shakespeare's tragedy to the music of his own unmistakably Verdian voice. The Opera's new production is directed by the internationally renowned Italian artist, Stefano Poda.


Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Librettist: Arrigo Boito
Director, set, costume and lighting designer: Stefano Poda
Assistant to the director: Paolo Giani Cei
Hungarian subtitles: Judit Kenesey
English subtitles: Arthur Roger Crane
Head of the Children's Chorus: Nikolett Hajzer
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki


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