
Véletlenül írtam egy könyvet

Véletlenül írtam egy könyvet

Hungarian family film, 101 min, 2025
in Hunagrian

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Thursday, February 27 2025 1:00PM

Director: Nóra Lakos
Cast: Mucsi Zoltán, Gryllus Dorka, Lovas Rozi, Rujder Vivien, Tenki Réka, Zsurzs Kati, Kocsis Mariann, Simon Kornél

“I Accidentally Wrote a Book” tells the very personal and inspiring story of 12-year-old Nina, who discovers the healing power of writing. As she learns to write, Nina uncovers her family's history, experiences the long-suppressed grief of her long-lost mother, and gains a deeper sense of self. We follow the daily life of a teenage girl as she copes with conflicts with her little brother, experiences her first love and the process of becoming a woman. We follow every moment of her life through her writing and see how each decision the author makes changes the whole story. All this is depicted with unique visual elements that blend live action and animation, celebrating the wonders of storytelling.


Premier: 2025.01.16.

Distributor: JUNO11 Pictures

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